Stud Dog advert

A standard price is charged for all adverts at £14.00 for a 12 month Stud Dog advert. One dog only is permitted on the photographs and videos featured. The advert will allow for edits, uploads of photos, video and Health Check Test & results to be shown. Should you wish for your advert to be featuring towards the top if the listing, we can offer for your advert to be highlighted at a further cost of £5.00 per advert. Your Stud Dog Advert will remain on this site for 12 months. A reminder email will be sent to you closer to the time of the expiry date. Should you wish to cancel your advert, simply log in and amend your advert. Sorry, no refunds provided.

Puppy/Litter advert

A standard price is charged for all adverts at £14.00 for a 15 week Puppy/Litter advert. The advert will allow for edits, uploads of photos, video and Health Check Test & results to be shown. Should you wish for your advert to be featuring towards the top if the listing, we can offer for your advert to be highlighted at a further cost of £5.00 per advert. Your Puppy/Litter Advert will remain on this site for 15 weeks and will automatically close after this time. Should you wish to re-advertise, a new advert will be permitted with the new cost for the advert at £14.00. A reminder email will be sent to you closer to the time of the expiry date. Should you wish to cancel your advert, simply log in and amend your advert. Sorry, no refunds provided.

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